Message from the President


The Dai-ichi Life, at its 60th anniversary, started a training program with the Tsuneta Yano Memorial Society for life insurance people of Asia in 1962. The Foundation for the Advancement of Life Insurance in Asia (FALIA for short) was established in 1970 to take over this program from the Yano Memorial Society. Later, in 1994, the name of the organization was changed to "The Foundation for the Advancement of Life and Insurance Around the world" with its nickname FALIA unchanged. This change was made in our hope that FALIA would be able to cover the non-life insurance field and also to invite insurance people from other areas than Asia.

In the course of offering training over the past 50 years, FALIA has served as a shared platform for exchanging information and encouraging connections between people mainly in Asian countries. In the future, while sharing the insights of everyone, we want to continue to lend our support so that life insurance and associated services produce added value in each country throughout the region, and contribute to finding solutions to the problems that confront our societies. A company that engages in profit-making business activities with the aim of solving social problems is called a “social enterprise.” I think we will see an increasing demand from society for insurance companies too to consider the gap that exists between the ideal and the reality, and to act as social enterprises by offering an ideal of the positive impact we can have on society. At FALIA, we want to continue to share the big picture with regard to the form that insurance companies should take as they respond to a changing environment, while searching together for the lodestar that will guide us forward. I hope we can continue to play a key role as we work together to find solutions to social problems in the years to come.


FALIA aims for enlightenment and dissemination of sound insurance philosophy through education, guidance and support. It aims to widely contribute to sound development of insurance business around the world.


Be a Platform to encourage connections between people

FALIA will develop a human network of horizontal collaboration among insurance supervisors,
companies and students globally through group training seminars and essay competitions.

Major Activities

FALIA sponsors invitational insurance seminars on a regular basis throughout the year. FALIA invites individuals from life insurance companies, insurance authorities and industry associations or institutes both inside and outside the Asian region to participate in seminars. FALIA annually holds 3 to 5 courses mainly from those listed in the attachment here. The total number of participants in the seminars has reached 4,135 from 32 countries /regions (March 2022). In addition to the regular seminars in the attachment, FALIA conducts individual seminars at times as requested.

Outline of the Invitational Seminar Courses(PDF)

Invitational Seminars in Japan

FALIA also sponsors insurance seminars in Asian countries several times a year in cooperation with insurance regulatory authorities or associations in each country. The content of the seminar is determined according to the request and interest of the local insurance industry. FALIA sends experienced instructors in insurance companies and relevant organizations from Tokyo to speak at the seminars. Overseas seminars total 163 in 15 countries/regions (March 2022).

overseas seminars

FALIA has been holding essay contests for international students attending Japanese universities since 2014. We intend to encourage international students to get interested in life insurance which has further increased its social presence during the pandemic, and to take on intellectual challenges by applying for our essay contest.

join us

In 1969, FALIA started publishing “FALIA Insurance News” several times each year to provide its readers with up-to-date information about Japanese Insurance Industry. And in 1998, we switched to providing information through our website. Moreover, in 2014, we started publishing E-mail Magazine. Recently FALIA has been conducting research activities to increase insurance literacy among people globally, and sharing the reports on our website. We hope this will help people to get interested in insurance philosophy and arouse two-way or multi-directional communication among them on social issues which insurance could work out.

Invitational Seminars in Japan


In 1962, the Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company, which was later demutualized to the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited in 2010, contributed 50 million yen to the Tsuneta Yano Memorial Society to initiate the programs for the development of the life insurance industry in the Asian region.

At that time, the Japanese life insurance industry had already grown to the second largest in the world in terms of life insurance in-force volume.

Looking back on the history of the Dai-ichi Life, Tsuneta Yano, its founder, learned about the mutual principle during his oversea stay at Gothaer Life Insurance Company in Germany. After he returned from Germany, he established the Dai-ichi Life in 1902, as the first mutual life insurance company in Japan.

In celebrating its 60th anniversary in 1962, the Dai-ichi Life turned its eyes to Asian countries/regions where the life insurance industry was still in a developing stage. The Dai-ichi Life decided to contribute to the development of Asia's insurance industry in order to return back some knowledge absorbed from Europe and share the ideas of the insurance business advancement with Asian life insurance regulators and life insurers.

Thereafter, in March 1970, the Dai-ichi Life established FALIA (The Foundation for the Advancement of Life Insurance in Asia) to further promote this mission. In April 1994, the formal name was changed to The Foundation for the Advancement of Life & Insurance Around the world in order to expand its scope of activities.

In April 2012, FALIA was officially certified as a public interest incorporated foundation.

Mr. Tsuneta Yano (1866~1951)

Mr. Tsuneta Yano

General Course in 1963

General Course in 1963

Computer Course in 1989

Computer Course in 1989


1962 The Dai-ichi Mutual Life, as part of the memorial projects for its 60th anniversary, donated 50 million yen to the Tsuneta Yano Memorial Society and started a training program for life insurance companies in Asia.
1963 May - Held the first invitational life insurance seminar (general course) in Japan with two participants from Indonesia. Nov.- The second seminar held with the first participants from Korea.
1964 May - The third seminar held with the first participants from the Philippines. July - Held the first overseas seminar in Korea. Sep. - The fourth seminar held with the first participants from Taiwan.
1965 May - The sixth seminar held with the first participants from Thailand. The first overseas seminar in Taiwan held.
1969 The number of participants in seminars held in Japan exceeded 100. Published the first issue of "Life Insurance News".
1970 Mar. - The Dai-ichi Mutual Life donated an additional 100 million yen and established "The Foundation for the Advancement of Life Insurance in Asia (FALIA)", which took over the responsibility for the Asian region training project from the Tsuneta Yano Memorial Society. May - The 18 th general course held with the first participant from Malaysia.
1971 Feb. - An overseas seminar, the first for Thailand, held. May - The 20th general course held with the first participant from Singapore.
1973 Feb. - An overseas seminar, the first for the Philippines, held. May - The first overseas seminars, in Indonesia and Singapore, were held.
1975 Feb. - The first overseas seminar in Malaysia held.
1977 The number of participants in seminars held in Japan topped 300.
1981 May - The 47th general course held with the first participant from Hong Kong. Published a special edition of "Life Insurance News" marking its 100th issue.
1982 May - Held the first top management course. May - Held the first computer course. The number of overseas seminars held exceeded 50.
1983 May - The 51st general course held with the first participant from India. Nov. - Held the first advanced course.
1986 Jan. - Held the first specified seminar with two participants from China. May - The 57th general course held with the first participant from Sri Lanka.
1987 May - An overseas seminar, the first for China, held. Dec. - The first FALIA alumni reunion held in Taiwan.
1989 May - The 63rd general course held with the first participant from Bangladesh. The number of participants in seminars held in Japan surpassed 1,000.
1991 Jan. - An overseas seminar, the first for India, held.
1992 Oct. - The 14th top management course held with the first participant from Turkey.
1993 Feb. - An overseas seminar, the first for Hong Kong, held. May - The number of participants in seminars held in Japan exceeded 1,500. Sep. - The 18th advanced course held with the first participant from Colombia.
1994 Mar. - Published the memorial book celebrating FALIA's 30 years of seminar activities. Apr. - Changed the Foundation's name to "The Foundation for the Advancement of Life &Insurance Around the world (FALIA)". Sep. - The 20th advanced course held with the first participant from Russia. Oct. - The 16th top management course held with the first participants from Hungary and Poland.
1995 The number of overseas seminars held exceeded 100.
1996 Had 2 participants from Vietnam after 23 years' interval since 1973. Oct. - The 18th top management course held with the first participant from Venezuela.
1997 Inaugurated new system of training program. July - The number of participants in seminars held in Japan surpassed 2,000.
1998 Information service started through FALIA Home Page on the Internet in place of the printed publication of " Insurance News "
1999 Oct. - The first seminar participant from Uzbekistan. Reciprocal dispatch of seminar instructors attempted between The Industrial Bank of Japan and FALIA.
2001 May - The first seminar participants from Bulgaria and Mongolia. Oct. - The first seminar participant from Bahrain.
2002 Mar. - The first overseas seminar in Turkey held. May - The first seminar participant from Czech. July - The number of participants in seminar held in Japan surpassed 2,500.
2003 Feb. - The first overseas seminar in Sri Lanka held.
2005 Aug. - The first seminar participant from Kazakhstan.
2006 Nov. - The first overseas seminar in Vietnam held.
2007 June - The first seminar participant from Pakistan.
2008 June - The number of participants in seminar held in Japan surpassed 3,000.
2010 Nov. - Golden Umbrella award was given by Uzbekistan Government for FALIA’s contribution to the development of Uzbekistan insurance market.
2011 July - “Workshop Seminar for Responses to Great East Japan Earthquake” held in Sri Lanka. Sep. - “Workshop Seminar for Responses to Great East Japan Earthquake” held in Taiwan and Philippines. Nov. - The first overseas seminar in Uzbekistan held.
2012 Feb. - “Workshop Seminar for Responses to Great East Japan Earthquake” held in Indonesia. Apr. - FALIA was officially certified as a public interest incorporated foundation. Sep. - The first overseas seminar in Mongolia held.
2014 May. - FALIA started to hold essay competition for international students attending Japanese universities.
2015 Jan. - The first seminar participant from Myanmar. Dec. - The first seminar participant from Cambodia.
2018 July - The first seminar participant from U. A. E.
2019 July - The number of participants in seminar held in Japan surpassed 4,000. Sep. - The first seminar participant from Maldives.
2021 July - The first seminar participant from Nepal. Nov. - Held the Ceremony of FALIA 50th Anniversary which was postponed from 2020. *All seminars and the Ceremony were held online.
2022 Oct. - Top Management Course was held back to face-to-face in Japan to commemorate the foundation's 50th anniversary.
2023 April - The first overseas seminar held in Nepal.