
Sri Lanka

Contributed on Nov. 9, 2021

FALIA’s 50th anniversary ceremony Online
Participated in : 2021

Comments to the FALIA’s 50th anniversary ceremony,
My memories of FALIA

It was an excellent ceremony and seminar that described several initiatives undertaken by various countries to improve societal well-being during the pandemic situation. The event was very good.

It was great. I participated in the Life Insurance seminar in 2009. The hospitality provided by the lovely FALIA staff was unforgettable.

Contributed on Nov. 9, 2021

FALIA’s 50th anniversary ceremony Online
Participated in : 2021

Comments to the FALIA’s 50th anniversary ceremony,
My memories of FALIA

The event was Excellent.

Truly I have a vivid memory of my visit to Japan and the FALIA events. People I met, your hospitality and your beautiful country everything unforgettable. Its and achievement in my life and was a great opportunity. Thank you FALIA.

Contributed on Sep. 13, 2021

Online, Marketing Strategy for Individual Life Ins. Course
Participated in : 2021

Suggestions you have for future topics. (Subjects)

Its better if you can include how a sales team run the business with regard to Agency sales. Specially the way conduct the meetings , monitoring & follow-up methods, kind of sales promotions conduct for agents and customers etc.

Contributed on Sep. 11, 2019

Channel & Sales Strategy for Individual Life Insurance Course
Participated in : 2019

Lectures, Curriculums, Lecture contents, Time schedule, Arrangements, Seminar materials, are well planned and organized. This is a Life Time Experience for me.

Contributed on May. 17, 2019

Product Development & Aging Society Course
Participated in : 2019

As a whole program was excellent. This is one of the best programs I have ever participated in. Well organized program, hospitality of FALIA staff are recommendable.
This is a very good experience for me. Thank all the staff for everything.

Contributed on May. 17, 2019

Product Development & Aging Society Course
Participated in : 2019

It was an excellent & practical training or seminar for all the the world life insurance companies. This seminar experience and knowledge enhance our motivation in our job sector.

The seminar was managed very well, such as: lecture comment, time schedule, and seminar materials.

Contributed on July. 12, 2021

Online , Risk Management Course
Participated in : 2021

Some technical subjects were touched on in the seminar, like ALM and product development/control pricing risk. ALM is basically related to finance/portfolio management and the other subject more towards the actuarial area. When touching on such technical stuff, the contents should be generalized to understand by the participants, who do not have in-depth knowledge on those subjects.

Suggestions for future topics. (Subjects)
・Anti-money laundering risk and mitigation activities
・Operational risks in relation with new business acquiring and maintenance process.

Contributed on Sept.12, 2018

Channel Strategy & Product Development Course
Participated in : 2018

This was well-organized forum. At the same time, the team who conducted it (FALIA team) are very helpful and friendly. Thank you very much for all the support & the commitment you made in order to make it success.